Mark's Musings

A miscellany of thoughts and opinions from an unimportant small town politician and bit-part web developer

30 Days of Music: 8 – A song I know all the words to


There are probably quite a lot of these. Quite possibly, more than there ought to be. I’m half-tempted to pick something like the national anthem, or a classic hymn, rather than a pop tune, but I think that might be stretching the point a bit. I’m also excluding songs that, as a musician, I play regularly and hence have to know, even if I don’t particularly like them.

Instead, I’ve gone for a song that I don’t just know the words to, but can actually manage a fairly decent rendition of when singing it. I don’t have the greatest voice in the world, but that’s often also the case for a lot of rock/pop performers – not every lead singer is Bono. What I do have, though, and though I say it myself, is an excellent sense of timing. And getting it right when singing is often as much about timing as it is about hitting the notes. So this song is one of my few (well, only, really) party pieces on the karaoke machine – it’s not too challenging as far as range is concerned, but it’s the timing of the vocals which really makes this song work.

So, if I ever end up on Stars in Their Eyes, when asked who I’m impersonating, I’ll say “Tonight, I’m going to be Glenn Tilbrook from Squeeze”.

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