Mark's Musings

A miscellany of thoughts and opinions from an unimportant small town politician and bit-part web developer

30 Days of Music: 3- A song which makes me happy


Lots of songs make me happy. That’s a large part of the point of music. So there are plenty to choose from in this category, which makes the task both easy and difficult at the same time.

Since the first two days have featured songs that are relatively old, though, I’ve decided to come a bit more up to date with this one and pick a song that’s been on my current playlist for a while. It’s also a song that my three-year old daughter Ellie loves – she’ll ask me to put it on the mp3 player when we’re in the car together.

Why does it make me happy? No particular reason, it’s just a nice, gentle and yet catchy pop tune that happens to work. It’s a bit quirky as well, which I like, and it’s very “summery” music – it seems to go well with a sunny day. And the video is great, too – how many of these toys did you have, or at least can recognise? This is Fireflies, by Owl City. Enjoy.